SIDC 2024

Registration for the 5th Singapore International Dance Challenge is now open!

Register here!

Email us at for enquiries.

Rules and Regulations



The 5th Singapore International Dance Challenge will be held from 3 to 5 September 2024 at The University Cultural Centre Theatre

Participation in the Singapore International Dance Challenge (hereinafter referred to as the "Competition") is subject to the rules and regulations set out herein ("Rules and Regulations"). By registering for the Competition, the participant agrees to all the Rules and Regulations. The organiser (the "Competition Organiser") reserves the right to change, amend or withdraw the Rules and Regulations (or any part thereof) without prior notice,


a. The Competition is open to all. The age of the participant is determined as of 1 January 2024.

b. Early bird registration closes on 8 July 2024. Registration for the Competition will close on 4 Aug 2024 (the "Closing Date"). Registration forms are to be duly completed and submitted by the Closing Date. No mail-in, phone or fax entries will be accepted, unless otherwise authorised by the Competition Organiser. All entries must be made using only the registration form. To assist the Competition Organiser, please register as soon as practicable.

c. The registration fee is to be paid via bank transfer before the Closing Date to secure a place in the Competition, subject to the Competition Organiser's discretion.

d. The registration fee is neither refundable nor transferable.

e. The Competition Organiser has the full discretion to accept or reject any registration entries made after the Closing Date.

f.  The Competition Organiser reserves the right to cancel the event or any categories and/or amend the program at any time.

g. The Competition will be held at the The University Cultural Centre Theatre.  

h. Entrance into the Theatre is by tickets only. Tickets are compulsory for all entrants, except participants. Tickets are available for sale at the registration table. Each ticket is priced at $30 per performance session i.e. Morning, Afternoon and Evening. A whole day pass is available at $60 each.

i.   Sportsmanlike behaviour is expected at all times. Failure to display proper decorum, as determined by the Competition Organiser and/or Competition adjudicators could result in an immediate disqualification of the relevant parties involved. This includes attempting to recruit students from other studios to attends yours.


a. The Competition age divisions are as follows:

  • 6&U

  • 8&U

  • 10&U

  • 12&U

  • 14&U

  • 16&U

  • 18&U

  • Open Age

b. The Competition general divisions are as follows:

  • Solo 

  • Duet 

  • Trio 

  • Groups

c. The oldest member in a Group dictates the age division of the entire group.

d. The dance categories open for registration are as follows:

  • Acrobatics

    • A routine comprising at least 3 gymnastic and/or acrobatic tricks together with any amount of dance choreography.   

  • Ballet

    • A routine which should include ballet techniques, including classical steps and movements. Ballet or pointe shoes only. 

  • Contemporary

    • A routine which blends modern and lyrical techniques. Routines should show balance and control. 

  • Demi-Character

    • An exciting routine portraying a story and character. It can include any form of dance or gymnastics/acrobatics. 

  • Hip Hop

    • A performance which consists primarily of hip hop techniques. 

  • Jazz

    • A routine primarily focusing on jazz techniques and movements to the tune of up-tempo music.

  • Lyrical

    • A routine choreographed utilising a blend of jazz and ballet technique, emphasising strength, control and interpretation.

  • Musical Theatre

    • Broadway or musical theatre dance styles.

  • Song and Dance

    • This routine must contain both singing and dancing. No vocals are permitted on the backing track. 

  • Tap 

    A routine that is choreographed to showcase traditional or contemporary tap techniques and/or rhythm patterns, with tap shoes only. Tap sounds are not allowed to be pre-recorded.

  • Any Other Style

    • Any dance routine which does not fall into the above mentioned categories.    

e. The Competition is proud to feature the following categories:

  • The Debutante – This category is open for participants who are performing for the first time in any dance competition. 

  • The Ace – Participants in this category perform in up to 3 different categories. The participant with the highest aggregate scores will emerge as The Ace. The Ace will be featured as the face of the Competition in the following year. 

  • The Ohana – This category encourages parents to perform together with their child, for example, mother/father – daughter dance or mother/father – son dance etc. From 2022, we welcome siblings to take part in this category.


a. A participant cannot compete against her/himself in any of the solo categories. If a participant would like to perform two routines of the same style, he/she is permitted to dance up an age group, but not in an age group below.

b.    Participants may perform more than once in the duo/trio or group sections if performing with different partners or groups.

c. The decision of the Competition adjudicators and Competition Organiser is final.

d. Prompting of any participant, except by the Competition adjudicator(s), is not permitted.

e. Please respect the Competition adjudicators at all times and refrain from speaking to him/her/them during the Competition. Do speak to the Competition Organizer if you require assistance relating to the Competition adjudicators.

f. All performances must be on the stage provided. Jumping off the stage and/or direct audience participation is strictly prohibited and would lead to an immediate disqualification.

g. Music, lyrics, costumes and dance content must be age and Competition appropriate. Participants may be penalised or disqualified if the Competition adjudicators feel the song choice or the routine contains movements that are inappropriate.

h.   All participants must be ready to perform at least 30 mins prior to their scheduled time. The Competition may run ahead of/behind schedule and each participant is expected to perform at the adjusted time. Participants who do not turn up or are late for their performance will be deemed disqualified.

i.   The time limit for each performance are as follows:

  • Solo performance – 2.5 minutes

  • Duos/trios performance – 3 minutes

  • Group performance – 5 minutes

j. Any performance exceeding the time limit will have 10% of the overall score deducted. Please note that props for the performance should be set up within the stipulated time limits.


a. Participants are to upload their music in .mp3 format to the form (that will be sent with the registration confirmation email) latest by 4 Aug 2024.

b. Please include the following relevant details in the email:

  • Title of the music

  • Participant's name

  • Category

  • "Start music on or off stage" 

c. Please name the .mp3 file(s) in the following format <title of music>.<participant's name>.<category code>.<start music on or off stage> (for example: yellow.faithfoo.S6B.on).

d. Participants are also required to prepare a back-up copy of their music in a thumb drive for the day of their performance in case of any unforeseen technical issues.

e. All music must be age appropriate and must not contain any apparent profanity or vulgar language. Participants may be penalised or disqualified if it is deemed that the music is of this nature. 

f.  The Competition is in no way responsible for any breach of copyright by a participant. Participants must be aware of their copyright responsibilities and abide by copyright laws. 


a. Participants must check-in with the backstage manager prior to his/her scheduled time slot. 

b. Please ensure that glitter and hairspray are used in a well-ventilated area to ensure that they do not pose a health hazard to other participants.

c. Groups must be supervised at all times.

d. Participants are to adhere to the Theatre's policies and procedures at all times. This includes the Theatre's policies concerning smoking on the premises.

e. Dressing rooms (if any) will be allocated on the day of the Competition according to the discretion of the Competition Organiser.

f.  In shared dressing rooms, all participants and associated parties are expected to demonstrate respect for the space, costumes and belongings of others at all times.

g. Please be mindful of what you bring into the dressing rooms. Hot drinks, food etc. will not be allowed backstage.

h. Speaking volumes must be kept to a minimum in the backstage and dressing rooms at all times.

i.   Please be mindful to clear all unwanted stuff and refrain from creating a mess in the backstage and dressing rooms. Participants and their studios found to have caused damage to their dressing space will be responsible for the repair costs (if any). If pre-existing damage is noted upon arrival, please notify the Competition Organiser.


a. The Competition welcomes the use of props in a participant's performance.

b. Please note that the transportation, set-up and tear-down of props are the sole responsibility of the participant and his/her studio. The Competition Organiser will not be responsible for the handling of props. It is also the studio's responsibility to ensure that the stage is completely clean and clear after the participant's performance.

c. Props are not allowed to be built backstage as this can be hazardous to the other performers.

d. For the safety of participants, please ensure that any props used during the Competition are not dangerous and not likely to injure, harm or potentially cause death.

e. The Organiser will not be held responsible for any potential injury or death resulting from a prop or props.

f.  Any props left at the completion of the Competition will be disposed of.


a.    Photography and videography is strictly prohibited during the Competition and may result in disqualification. Due to the advancing technology of video on cameras and handphones, we are forced to prohibit all cameras and recording devices during the Competition. This includes all still photography, with or without flash. This is done to protect the rights of the choreographers and to protect the safety and privacy of participants.

b. Offenders will be asked to leave the Theatre.

c. All participants consent to allowing the Competition Organiser to record and photograph all or part of the Competition and related activities for broadcast and promotional purpose without any payment to participants. The participants grant the Competition Organiser the exclusive rights to the recorded materials and photographs.

d. There will be an official photographer and videographer present during the Competition. Photographs and videos will be made available for purchase after the Competition.


a. Each participant and/or their studio must provide their own first aid person, ice and first-aid kit.

b. The Competition Organiser is not responsible for providing any first aid equipment or ice/heat products.


a. The Competition believes in rewarding participants for their hard work and excellence in performing.

b. Solos, duets, trios and groups in each age division will be awarded for their performances. The top three (3) solos, duets and trios in each age division will receive trophies for high scores. More than 3 awards may be awarded if the number of participants are unusually large in a category.

c.    The highest scoring group in each age division will be awarded one (1) trophy for the performance and certificates.

d. The highest scorer in each category may be featured as the face(s) of the Competition in the following year.

e. Additional prizes and awards may be awarded during the Competition.


a. All participants must be physically fit and have no ailment that may recur or be exacerbated during the Competition. The Competition Organiser reserves the right to decline a participant from performing for medical or other reasons at their sole discretion. If at any time prior or during the Competition that a participant becomes ill or if his/her physical condition is at risk, he/she may be declared ineligible to compete. The Competition Organiser reserves the right to not allow a participant who appears to have such serious injury or medical condition from performing.

b.    Every care will be taken to ensure the safety of participants. However, the Competition and the Competition Organizer will not be responsible for any injuries sustained by any participant or property during the Competition. Participants in such competitions take certain risks in order to perform, these may include strains, sprains, bruises, broken bones, pulled muscles and more. Participation in the Competition indicates acceptance of such risks by participants.

c. Each participant expressly acknowledges and agrees that the Competition and the Competition Organiser shall not be liable to any of the participant(s) for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly in connection with the Competition. Notwithstanding the generality of the foregoing, each participant expressly acknowledges and agrees that the Competition and the Competition Organiser have expressly excluded liability for all direct, indirect or consequential loss or damage, including but not limited to injuries, loss or damage to other equipment or property or for loss of profit, business, revenue, goodwill or anticipated savings pursuant to the Competition.


a. By registering for the Competition, the participant hereby authorise, agree and consent to allow the Competition Organiser to:

  • Collect, use, disclose and/or process personal data about the participant that he/she provides and that he/she may in future provide the Competition Organiser with and/or that the Competition Organiser possesses about the participant including but not limited to the participant's name, date of birth, email address, telephone numbers, address for the following purposes:

    • Facilitating, processing, dealing with, administering, managing and/or maintaining the participant's relationship with the Competition;

    • Dealing in any matters relating to the Competition Organiser's services and activities;

    • Verifying the participant's identity;

    • Responding to, handling, and processing queries, requests, applications, and feedback from the participant;

    • Processing payment;

    • Sending the participant marketing information about the Competition's future events;

    • Complying with any applicable laws, regulations, codes of practice, guidelines, or rules, or to assist in law enforcement and investigations conducted by any governmental and/or regulatory authority;

    • Any other purposes for which the participant has provided the information;

    • Transmitting to any unaffiliated third parties including third party service providers and agents, and relevant governmental and/or regulatory authorities, whether in Singapore or abroad, for the aforementioned purposes; and

    • Any other incidental purposes related to or in connection with the above.

  • Disclose the participant's personal data:

    • Where such disclosure is required for performing obligations in the course of or in connection with the Competition; or

    • To third party service providers, agents and other organisations the Competition Organizer have engaged to perform any of the functions listed above.

b. Should the participant wish to withdraw consent in part or whole, please send an email to and provide details of withdrawal.